Te 3

Posted by: Te

Oct 25, 2013

Recent Comments for Te 3 (53)
  • Much respect to her for displaying herself so fully -- whatever her name is!
  • So inviting lady in heels! I really want her huge tits and hairy pussy!
  • Sexy curves I love your big tits
  • First off, "r3tard," not every man around here likes stick figures. Notice this woman got a LOT of positive comments. YOUR problem is that you have a picture in your head (and I guarantee that's about as close to you'll get to a real woman) of what a "good" woman is, and you feel it's okay to bash anyone who doesn't fit within your perceptions. At best, that's arrogant . . . at worst, it's sheer stup!dity. I don't care how thin or thick, short or tall, young or old (so long as she's over 18), or light or dark a woman is, ALL women deserve respect. NO woman deserves the abuse you clods give them. Your inability to see that simple point is very telling about your lack of character.
  • Problem is, "r3tard" (and thank you so much for adopting such an appropriate moniker . . . probably the only truth you've ever written on this board) that reading retention is obviously beyond you. Like I said, there's no guarantees that her w3ight can't change . . . but it's guaranteed that you'll continue to be a r3tard. Don't play chess, my uneducated and imbecilic friend, you're ill-suited for the game.
  • Perhaps, "R3tard," but you'll be the bigger drain on society with all the special classes, short busses, protective headgear, and furniture bumpers we buy so you don't hurt yourself. Plus we'll obviously have to pick up the tab to pay your bills, as you're too dimwitted to even hold a job at your local Goodwill. So my point is still sound, she can lose w3ight, but you'll ALWAYS be a r3tard.
  • You know what, "," you call this woman f@t, huh? Well, you're a r3tard. You can tell her that she needs to lose w3ight, but that's something she can do. Unfortunately, you'll ALWAYS be a r3tard.
  • And that's where you prove you're an asshole, "speech." You admit that you're here to abuse women, and that they should simply "accept it." In other words, your argument is that you're a prick and the world should accept you for being so. Women shouldn't have to "defend" themselves from attacks, you valueless cretin. They shouldn't be attacked at all. The fact you argue against that premise shows how absolutely worthless you are as a human being.
  • What the heck is "son't?" "Speech," you're far too dimwitted to even be a good basher. And I love the fact you claim that "no one listens to me." Especially since your statement is countered by the fact that you keep RESPONDING to what I say. If I were of no relevance to you, you'd simply ignore me . . . but you can't. Why? Because you h@te the fact that I point out your inadequacies, weaknesses and lack of intelligence in a public venue. Too bad for you, as I'm not going to stop.
  • Hey, "insurance," isn't that what your father told your mother . . . who was also his sister . . . when you were born?
  • So, "," is your new moniker your IQ, or the length of your penis in millimeters? The fact, you dullard, that YOU keep coming back as well is proof of how idiotic you are. Again, I never bring you up first (difficult to do anyway, given the fact you're too much a coward to retain a singular moniker like everyone else) whereas you consistently bring up my name; thus showing your obsession with me. Sorry, but I pull the strings and you jump. Deal with your status.
  • I call people like "" and "Truth be told" latently g@y based upon empirical evidence. They are labeled based solely upon their actions on this board. Hate to break it to you flamers, but regardless of how upset it makes you, the science bears out the fact that your actions, not my words regarding them, evidence misogyny--and one of the underlying causes of misogyny is latent h0m0sexuality. So don't blame me, blame your inability to just be honest with yourselves. As to calling you puppets . . . well, you're still here, right? You bring up my name first each and every time, thus showing you're obsessed with me. Again, you're damned by your own actions. It truly must suck to be you!
  • Not for everyone, but I love her big lush curvaceous body.
  • Wow, we're supposed to take advice from or give credence to a guy who doesn't know the difference between "whole" and "HOLE?!" Really? "Assy McGee," you are too stup!d to even be a decent dullard! If you weren't on drugs when writing your comment, perhaps you should consider trying some.
  • That's what I get for multi-tasking. (Sorry, but unlike "," I actually have a life beyond the computer.) I wrote: "an inability to deal with and an extreme incapability to deal with women." What I meant to write was: "an inability to deal with women and an extreme incapability to deal with your own doubts regarding your own masculinity . . . or lack thereof."
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