Well, you have impressed me. In fact I'll have to go and spend a little 'me time' in the bathroom after viewing this pics.... have a great figure for sharing it ......got any more pics of you, FANTASTIC! You are 100% hottie hekaitz@ Cuuuuuuuuum!
If you "don't think so," "Newsflash," why didn't you simply move on to the next post? Why did you have to WRITE it out to make sure you made everyone aware you were insulting her?
By the way, "Natalie," I think it's quite clear that there's more than a "few" compliments here. Most of the guys here really enjoyed your pictures. I sure hope we can expect to see more of you in the future.
Actually, I am truly laughing about Mr. "934's" Sherlock Holmes impersonation. Again, I will neither confirm nor deny where I am, as I'm too smart to do so in this venue. Now let's even assume for a moment my name is "Dan" or "Daniel." How many people in the capitol of Pennsylvania might have that first name? Hmmmm. I think there might be possibly thousands. And how many might consider making a moniker that has their name affixed to a preposition and their home city? Seriously, "934," I'll save you some time. I actually had to research what you were referencing. Sorry, but not me. Good try, though. LOL
Gee, "934," are you trying to cause some other person problems? I keep telling you that I've never confirmed or denied who I am, nor would I in this venue. Still, it amuses me greatly that you're so obsessed about me that you're wasting time attempting to locate me. Surely there could be no better and more telling sign of my domination over you than that.
Dear, "MyWifeMisbehaves" / "Natalie," we look forward to seeing your posts. PLEASE don't allow some of the bashers below to keep you away. As you can see from most of the posts, REAL men . . . STRAIGHT men . . . enjoyed your pictures. The only ones that didn't are just bitter and angry because of their inability to have a woman in their lives.
It's amazing how the few compliments I've received have inspired me. I have another tame post coming that was already in processing but after that some much more revealing stuff is coming. I'm really starting to like this attention.... ;)
All jokes aside, "green hornet," you lost the ability challenge the superiority of my intellect, my character, my masculinity, or any other aspect of me the moment you posted your first comment on this Board bashing a woman. All I do is point out what is obvious to everyone about you, "ledinzeplin" (or whatever he's calling himself at the moment), and the other bashers. Men who are confident in their masculinity and sexuality . . . men who are confident in their abilities . . . men who are satisfied with their lives . . . have no need to bash women under the veil of cowardice provided by this Board's anonymity. The moment you posted your first abusive comment, you lost any ability to claim superiority in anything.
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Posted by: MyWifeMisbehaves